Nida is a structural analysis and design software with special attributes for slender steel structures. Complex frames, trusses, tall buildings, large span roofs, intricate scaffolds, gantries and other diverse types of lightweight, skeletal steel structures may be accurately modelled for economic and sustainable designs. With Nida's easy to use interface, various analysis methods may be put to use in compliance with current Eurocode 3 (2005), AISC-LFRD (2010) and HK Steel Code (2011) provisions. NIDA is powerful for first order linear (elastic), second order nonlinear (elastic-plastic), eigenvalue buckling, vibration (modal) response spectrum and time history analysis. The predominant feature of a NIDA analysis and design is that it includes both the P-∆, P-δ effects as well as the initial member and system imperfections. As a result member effective lengths do not need to be chosen as the member boundary effects within the structural system can be intuitively modelled with NIDA.